Karelia, Route #2: Petrozavodsk - Kizhi - Valaam


"Karelia, route 2" is a planned trip in Southern Karelia between two lakes – Ladoga and Onega which starts in the city of Petrozavodsk and ends in Sortavala. Its main points of interest are the famous islands – Kizhi and Valaam. Besides you will visit scenic waterfalls, dams at hydro-electric power plants, ancient paleo-volcano and one of the oldest Russian national parks. You will find all the necessary information about the route in the guide. After a purchase you’ll be able to download the guide in pdf format in English and in Russian.

43 pages of photos and descriptions of places you are about to visit

Duration of the trip – 7 days

Route length – 684 km

Trip budgetfrom ₽ 28 000 per person

Here's what you will see: